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Webinar de Nettitude-Lloyd’s Register: Desafíos de ciberseguridad para operadores de barcos, aseguradoras y abogados

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Lloyd’s Register Company – Nettitude organizes the webinar Real and present maritime cyber security challenges for ship operators, insurers and lawyers.

Nettitude partner of cyber-threat intelligence to Plymouth University’s Cyber-Ship LAB, who are running a webinar on 9th March 2021. This webinar will focus on realistic current cyber-threat, by taking the delegates on a container ship online journey from Shanghai to London, exploring cyber processes, threats, decisions, and consequences faced by crews, HQ personnel and vessels throughout this ‘typical’ route.  The webinar is aimed at ship and port operators, specialists in maritime insurance and their underwriters, maritime cybersecurity, legal and risk analysts and consultants.

If you would like to register click here

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